Supercast SW30 is a swellable waterstop that can be installed and positively linked into conventional Supercast PVC waterstop networks.
This allows the use of Supercast PVC for expansion joints and Supercast SW30 for construction joints, all the time maintaining an integrated network.
Supercast SW30 is made from high performance synthetic elastomer strips. The high swelling action is the result of contact between water and hydrophilic groups which are part of the Supercast SW30 'Basic Polymer' molecular structure.
* Integral sealing for construction joints in concrete cast insitu where high swell performance is demanded, such as in highly saline ground conditions.
* Convenient and problem solving in situations where a conventional waterstop would require complex shuttering.
* Typical uses include secant piled and diaphragm walled basements, pile caps and casting against old concrete.
* Supercast SW30 can provide simple solutions to detailing pipe entries, construction joints in the vertical plane and to kicker joints.
* Can be linked to Supercast PVC waterstops to give an effective combination of waterstops that maintain network continuity.
* Easy to install
* Supercast SWX swellable adhesive enables full integration of Supercast SW30 and Supercast PVC networks
* Solves detailing problems in conjunction with Supercast PVC range Swelling properties unaffected by long term wet/dry cycling
* Performs effectively in saline ground conditions
* Sustains effective seal in wet conditions