Cement Admixture Fosroc Conplast®SP337is based on a blend of specially selected organic polymers. It is supplied as a dark brown liquid, instantly dispersible in water.
Conplast SP337 disperses the cement particles effectively in the concrete mix and hence exposes a larger surface area to the hydration process. This effect is used either to increase the strength or to produce high workability concrete or reduce cement content of concrete or to retard the setting time of concrete.
To produce high workability concrete without loss of strength. To promote high early and ultimate strengths by taking advantage of water reduction whilst maintaining workability.
To produce high quality concrete of improved durability and impermeability.
At higher dosages, advantages can be taken of the retardation of initial setting time of concrete especially in large pours.
* Pumpability : Increased workability provides easier and quicker placing and optimum compaction. Aids concrete placement by pump.
* Increased strength : Provides higher strength without increase in cement content or reduction in workability. Ideal for precast concrete production.
* Improved quality and cohesion : Reduce rate of workability loss normally associated with superplasticiser. Reduces shrinkage cracking because of lower water cement ratio. Makes the concrete water impermeable.
* Bleeding and segregation minimised : Improves durability and impermeability of concrete.
* Chloride free : Safe in prestressed concrete production.