Brushbond TGP* crystalline capillary waterproofing system contains proprietary blend of portland cement, quartz aggregate and special chemicals. In the presence of moisture, the active chemicals in Brushbond TGP* crystalline waterproofing system penetrates concrete and react chemically with free lime to produce insoluble crystals. This crystalline growth reduces porosity by blocking capillaries and filling hairline non structural cracks ( upto 0.25mm wide) caused by shrinkage or expansion. Unlike metallic and membrane types of waterproofing which only form a surface barrier, Brushbond TGP* crystalline waterproofing system, in the presence of water, continues producing crystals and lasting imperviousness to water.
Brushbond TGP* crystalline waterproofing system is used for waterproofing against the positive or negative sides of hydrostatic heads of water, for dampproofing, repairing cracks, plugging holes, sealing wall - floor joints and stopping active leaks in a wide variety of condtions including :
* Sewage treatment and water treatment plants, tanks, foundations, tunnels and manholes.
* Terrace garden, balconies, sunshades etc.
* Roof and Sunken slabs
* Industrial and office buildings
* Reservoirs, water holding structures etc.
* Meets the requirements as per ANSI/NSF Std 61 for suitability to potable water
* Penetrates concrete, seals capillary tracts
* Contains no chloride
* Easy to apply
* Resists chemical attack of sewage and industrial wastes
* Suitable for external and internal applications.